Spiritual Practice Consultation ~ $150 Canadian per hour
When new or seasoned healing practitioners, shamanists, witches, and spirit workers need support, healing work, or seek to deepen knowledge in a particular area of their field, it can be hard to find someone who "speaks our language" and is a resonant fit. Being able to incorporate our skills and engage fully in our discovery or healing process, while having our hard won learnings and experience honoured, creates an arena for the powerful, deep, and specific work that we need to occur in a safe and effective manner.
Consultation can be supportive when:
returning after time away from your sacred living practices
you're a facilitator or practitioner in need of seasoned assistance
you'd like support in crafting a ritual or ceremony that feels resonant and personal to you
you're unsure which spiritual practices might help with a life situation or crisis
westernized shamanists seeking journey integration support
you have received wisdom or teachings that are proving tricky to integrate
your training has been in methods or practices not of your own culture and would like to find the parallels
methods you feel you would benefit from hearing explained in a fresh way (not applicable to those currently apprenticing with another teacher)
confidence is low in a lesser used technique in your repertoire
there is ability to hold both a "beginner's mind" as well as stand in your sovereignty
if you are experiencing psychic/spiritual attack
Every situation and consultation session is unique with agreements co-created between us. Consultations may be done online or in-person. Limited additional support via text and private message exchanges are included. Please use the Commission Request form below to book.
What Spiritualists are Saying...
"You literally helped me save my own Life." - Skywalker "Her incredible way of being, teaching, sharing and guiding was exactly what I needed. I needed kindness, I needed support, I needed to make the connection to my own team of helpers, guides and Ancestors and she taught me how. She welcomed me whole heartedly. She included me. She didn’t judge me. She was patient with me. She taught me most of what I know around Shamanism... I also want to thank her for the profound impact she has had on many of my friends I have sent her way.... you are a true Gem Juliette." - Micha M.