Currently being written, "Of Mud, Blood, String, and Bone" is a novel that centers around a used bookstore owner who finds a journal style grimoire and becomes obsessed with its contents and unravelling the mystery of its author. The reader follows along two narratives, one of the shop owner's daily events, and the other, the grimoire's entries as she reads them.
This story is full of sacred living practices and ceremonies; spirit journeys, divination methods, Solstice celebrations, talisman making, sin eating rituals, dream interpretation, demon hunting, and much more. As she reads the passages, she begins to learn the lifeways and techniques the mysterious author has written about. Her life begins to shift, and strange happenings start to catch her awareness as she sets out to discover who the author is. My hope is that it is not only an interesting story, but that it also touches on relatable thoughts that today's healers, intuitive readers, and mystics might privately experience, as well as softly giving practical, safe, seasoned guidance on sacred lifeways that curious readers might like to take up for themselves. To receive novel segments as they are released, and find invitations into reading circles and free digital copies upon completion please consider becoming a patron. Monthly subscribers are an integral support for me to keep committed to this endeavour. Each pledge, every shared review, or note of encouragement keeps me well bolstered and highly inspired ~ thank you truly to each early access reader! Here are a plethora of samples and testimonials to get a feel for what's ahead.... Excerpts: